An Introduction to cardiovascular training

2 min readOct 10, 2020

All of you who wanted to start working out during this lockdown have heard people advising you to “do cardio” or telling you that excessive cardio will lead to loss of muscle density. But have you ever thought about what cardio actually is? What exactly does it do to our body?

In short, cardio workouts are aerobic workouts. During these exercises, large muscles in the body ( especially the ones in our arms and legs) are made to move. In these workouts, the heart rate increases and one tends to breathe in deeply. This helps achieve maximum diffusion of oxygen into our blood which is then transported to our muscles.

You might wonder why cardio is considered to be a basic exercise! It is also one of the most effective ways to build your stamina and mental wellbeing!

We already talked about how cardio workouts increase our heart rate and thereby increasing the oxygen rich bloodflow in our body. Every cell in our body contains a cell organelle called the mitochondria. Better known as “the power house of the cell”. The more oxygen you pump to your muscle cells during your workout, the faster and better they function to produce energy. The overall density of mitochondria in muscle tissue increases in response to aerobic workouts. More mitochondria implies more efficient use of oxygen to produce energy.

You might have also heard that one’s mood is determined by the chemicals produced inside one’s brain. Cardio workouts boost the production of chemicals that foster positivity, therefore making us feel good about ourselves. We feel more energized and ready to tackle the world after a good workout! This is attributed to the endorphins that have boosted our mental energy level!

Will cardio really help you live longer?! Some research suggest that aging in humans is related to mitochondrial changes. Aging is a complicated process which isn’t fully understood yet. Though there are many factors to be considered,certain studies show that the damage to mitochondrial DNA, reduced ability to produce ATP, and resulting muscle weakness may cause one to age quicker.

Start cardio today! Give your heart and muscles a head start! Always stay happy and healthy!




Fitness enthusiast, Trying to be the best version of myself everyday. Love to talk about physical and mental fitness.